Our Clubhouse
Our clubhouse has a bar, kitchen, toilets, showers and a large flexible space which is suitable for formal meetings, presentations or social events, parties and dining. The clubhouse is also available for our members to hire.
​All our events are organised by members, for members. Club members may invite guests and we may on occasion invite visitors. All non-members visiting the clubhouse must be signed in by a member.

Hire Our Clubhouse
Our Clubhouse is also available for hire by companies and not-for-profit organisations.
Under the terms of hire, the bar will not be available and whoever hires the clubhouse must make their own arrangements for refreshments (and we can recommend external caterers).
Please get in touch to discuss IT facilities, capacity, pricing, etc (minimum hire will be half a day).
Clubhouse Calendar & How To Book
The Clubhouse and Bar are available for function hire.
Bookings must be made via a fully paid up Member of the Club, who will take responsibility for that booking, ensuring the welfare of the Club is upheld at all times and must be present in the clubhouse at all times during the period of hire.
Bookings should be directed via the Bookings Coordinator - Ian Adams