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Craning Out - 10th & 11th October 2024

A message from Chris:

Team TBA,

It is getting towards that time when we will need to recover the boats to the boat park for the winter. I intend to recover large boats / sailing boats on Thursday 10 Oct (day 1) and small boats / motorboats on Friday 11 Oct (day 2)

Could I please ask for volunteers to assist me on 10 / 11 Oct to recover the boats.

Day one will need a working party of up to eleven people and the second day will need up to ten. Note: It is easier and safer if the same people do both days if possible. It would also be beneficial if I could use the same people we used in April for tugboat ops and riverside slingers.

The job roles are: Boat Yard operations (X2) | Boat Yard slingers (X3) | Riverside slingers (X3) | Tugboat operations (X3) | Road marshal(s) (X1 / 2 first day only) | Catering (confirmed already)!

For all others not involved, you should not feel obliged to attend the days, we are quite happy to land your boat and shore it up for you.

By way of preparation, you should start thinking about getting your last few adventures in over the coming month (obviously) and then start to reduce the amount of stuff you have on your boats if you can (water storage mostly). Also remember that you will need to have slinging ropes (up to ten metres) from the bow and stern so that the slingers can control the boats on the crane.

I will send out an administration instruction to all boat owners being craned out at the beginning of October and to confirm the working party.

Kind regards

Chris Fomes

TBA Moorings and Boats Manager


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